“My husband is selfish”: the story of one divorce

When a small child appears in the family, a huge load lies on the shoulders of the young mother. And any of us would be on the side of a woman who complains that the spouse refuses to help her. But sometimes it turns out that the selfish in the family is not a husband at all.

The young man came to me with a request to help him establish relations with his wife. According to his story and tone, it was clear that he is a sensitive person, sincerely worried about due to difficulties in a couple and was guilty that relations do not develop.

He said that his wife constantly makes him complaints, and he cannot understand them. At the same time, his relationship with his four -year -old son is very warm and it seems to him that his son even prefers his society.

All his attempts to discuss with his wife the reasons for her discontent failed. “When I offered to simply lie down next to it, hugging, and talking about everything calmly and confidentially, she was surprised:“ Why can we not talk, just sitting at the table?“But at the table,” the man remarked, “is not created by that intimate atmosphere in which it is easier to say why she does not understand this?”

“What are my mistakes, that I am doing wrong?” – this young husband constantly asked me with obvious willingness to do everything in his power. I replied


that the solution of such problems requires the three -time conversation, with his wife.

And they came together. I saw a very self -confident young woman who immediately began to list the reasons for her discontent. I looked at my husband. It was evident that he was surprised every time to what extent she did not understand him. He addressed the attempts to explain first to his wife, and then, apparently, desperate, unfolded to me, talking about the motives of his behavior, which himself seemed obvious to him.

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